What is Digital Architecture?

What is Digital Architecture?

This week I will examine some question these are; What is digital architecture? and What are the digital architecture possibilities?  What is Virtual space and Virtual Reality? Which software is using for digital architecture? Also, I will give some information about 3D printing technology.

“In today’s economy, technology is part of every single aspect of our life. The digital architecture uses computer-aided design, programming, simulation and images to create virtual forms and physical structures.The same can be said to refer to other aspects of architecture that are defined by digital technologies. Today’s technological advancements have even brought Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality to the use in architecture.”(Digital Architecture).

Virtual Spaces Digital Architecture

“Digital architecture is not limited to concepts and ideas, but also represents spaces that require human interaction, like the virtual environments created in games.

During the recent years, the term virtual and virtual space has become a central part of our culture. These terms have different meanings depending on the context, from the imaginary aspect to metaphysics and high-tech.”(Digital Architecture).


“Digital Architecture removes the possible limitations an architect might have when creating complex forms through computer algorithms.

This new field also enhances the possible outcomes in terms of design, sparking debates about the role of technology in our society and also creating non-standard forms that have come to life from architects like Zaha Hadid or UN Studio.”(Digital Architecture).


“Digital Architecture cannot exist without the software. These include software like: Software AutoDesk 3DSMax Rhino Sketchup Fuzo VR IRIS VR And there are also apps like Houzz, Formit, etc.”(Digital Architecture).


“3D Printing is an important component of Digital Architecture.

Speed, visualization and cost reduction – With 3D printing, companies now are able to deliver faster to customers, be more visible and save a lot of money.

Scale & Details- The 3D printed models can have different sizes and the amount of details is remarkable compared ot methods used in the past.

Freedom – 3D printers give creators the freedom to create models that they would not be able to create through methods used in the past. 3D Printing Digital Architecture

In June 2016, Beijing saw the world’s first 3D-printed house, which architects said marks a home-building revolution.” (Digital Architecture).

VR Architecture – The New Revolution

“Virtual Reality is a computer-generated simulation of a three- dimensional image or environment that can be interacted with in a seemingly real or physical way by a person using special electronic equipment, such as a helmet with a screen inside or gloves fitted with sensors. In the recent years, VR has started to make it’s way to architecture as well and is brining a whole new level of customer interaction. With VR there’s no need even for 3D printing, as the experience for the customer gets immersive, powerful and on a scale from 1:1“(Digital Architecture).


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